Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Type Face concepts

Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Cardboard Boxes
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Paranormal Activity
Friday, 23 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Basement/power Room Concept

We have been discussing the concept of having to turn on lights in the hospital and this lead us to having a basement in the hospital were the hospitals power would be controlled. We are going to make the player have to go to this room in order for them to enable power to the hospital. I have been working on some concept art for this room and will eventually model it.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Past few weeks
This is quite a big thing as I think it will set the atmosphere greatly, I have also been working more on the Morgue and have asked tonnes of people what they watch that has morgues in (Facebook!) and I got a ridiculous amount of replies.
So I've been watching those and playing some scarey games, dished out on an XBOX 360 so I could play Alan Wake, paranormal activity occurs, so it is both my type of game and definately referential??? If that's a word.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Nice bit of research regarding a morgue
WFSMWK205A | Sterilise mortuary items and equipment |
Unit Descriptor | This unit covers the ability to safely prepare for, follow and complete sterilisation processes for standard mortuary items and equipment. It is applicable to funeral home staff and involves working autonomously or under direction with a low level of responsibility. This unit is based upon the unit HLTSTE3A Sterilize loads from the draft Health Services Training Package but has been modified to better suit the needs of the Funeral Services Industry. |
1 . Prepare load for sterilisation |
2 . Maintain and monitor sterilisers |
3 . Operate sterilisers |
4 . Complete sterilisation procedures |
5 . Store sterile stock |
Key Competency | Examples of Application | Performance Level |
How can information be collected, analysed and organised? | 1 | |
How are ideas and information communicated within this competency? | 1 | |
How are activities planned and organised? | 1 | |
How are problem solving skills applied? | 1 | |
How are mathematical ideas and techniques used? | 1 | |
How is use of technology applied? | 1 | |
How is team work used within this competency? | 1 |
Range Statement
The Range of Variables statement provides details of the scope of the Elements and Performance Criteria to allow for differences within enterprises and workplaces, including practices, knowledge and requirements. It also provides a focus for assessment and relates to the unit as a whole. The Range of Variables is provided as a guide only and lists are not exhaustive.The following variables may be present:
Mortuary items and equipment may include:
· personal protective equipment
· positioning devices
· aspirating instruments
· portiboy
· feature setting devices
· instruments and instrument tray
· dressing table
· tubing for aspirating/injecting
· electric drill/grinder
· body grooming equipment
· bio-medical waste containers infectious/radio-active/human tissue
· pedestal lamps
· linen
· flow meter
· first aid kit
· capsules for transporting babies
· aneurysm needle
· bistoury knife
· scalpels
· scissors (various types)
· separators
· suture needles (various types)
· needle holder
· forceps
· injection instruments including:
· gravity and bulb syringes
· arterial tubes
· hand pump
· centrifugal pump
· stopcock
· Y tube
· embalming machine
· drainage instruments
· drain tube
· lliac drain tube
· grooved director
· angular spring forceps
· aspirating instruments including:
· electric/motorised
· autopsy aspirator
· hydroaspirator
· nasal tube aspirator
· trocar
· hydrovalve trocar
· cavity fluid injectors
· trocar buttons and applicator.
Sterilising methods may include:
· steam under pressure
· low temperature ethylene oxide gas
· low temperature hydrogen peroxide vapour/plasma
· chemical (pericetic acid)
· dry heat.
Workplace policies and procedures may include:
· standard operating policies and procedures
· standards and certification requirements
· quality assurance procedures
· OHS procedures
· emergency, fire and accident procedures
· security procedures.
OHS procedures are to be in accordance with State/Territory legislation and regulations and may include:
· workplace environment and safety
· personal protective equipment
· manual handling procedures
· use of tools and equipment
· materials handling procedures including for hazardous or infectious materials.
Applicable legislation and regulations may be Federal, State specific or Local Government specific and may include:
· Workplace/Occupational Health and Safety Act
· Anatomy Act
· Human Tissue Act
· Skin Penetration Act
· Coroner's Act
· Federal Transportation Regulations/Airlines Act
· Public Health Act
· Environment Protection Act
· Approved Code of Practice for Embalmers
· Local Government Acts
· Funeral Services Industry Code of Practice
· Worksafe Australia Certification and Standards.
Evidence Guide
The following components relate directly to this unit's Performance Criteria and Range of Variables and will inform and provide guidance for assessment of the unit in the workplace and/or training program.Critical Aspects of Evidence
Evidence of the following knowledge and skills is considered essential to demonstrate competency in this unit. This includes demonstration of the Key Competencies at the performance level identified at the end of this unit:
· Correct use of personal protective equipment.
· Correct preparation, packaging and labeling of items for sterilisation.
· Correct loading of items into sterilisation chamber.
· Correct performance of test cycles and maintenance of sterilising equipment.
· Correct and safe operation of sterilisation machine to sterilise mortuary items and equipment.
· Correct storage of sterilised items and equipment.
Underpinning Knowledge and Skills
The following knowledge, understanding and skills are essential to perform this unit to the required standard:
· A fundamental knowledge of microbiology as it affects the sterilisation work environment.
· Knowledge of the basic principles and practices of sterilisation.
· Knowledge of the different types of sterilising machine and equipment operation.
· Knowledge of first aid and relevant OHS procedures and infection control practices including AS 4187 and AS 2187.
· Knowledge of mortuary instruments, equipment and materials.
· Knowledge of specific testing equipment and procedures for each method of sterilisation.
· Knowledge of the factors that may influence or affect the operation of each form of sterilisation and the conditions required for effective sterilisation of each form of sterilising.
· Knowledge of the correct use of chemicals.
· Ability to identify hazards and implement risk controls.
· Verbal and non-verbal communication skills, including:
· listening skills
· ability to receive and give directions.
· Literacy and numeracy skills, including:
· Knowledge of the terminology used in sterilising
· ability to interpret and understand written documentation
· ability to accurately complete required documentation
· computer literacy.
· Knowledge of workplace policies and procedures.
· Knowledge and understanding of relevant Federal, State/Territory and Local Government legislation and regulations.
· Ability to recognise professional parameters.
· Organisational skills, time management skills.
· Personal integrity, ethics and accountability.
What processes should be applied to this competency standard?
There are a number of processes that are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies. Key competencies are generic competencies that focus on the capacity to apply knowledge and skills in an integrated way in work situations, but are not specific to any particular industry. Key competencies foster the development of skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to perform work operations. The questions below highlight how these processes are applied in this competency standard. Following each question a number indicates the level to which the key competency needs to be demonstrated where 1 = the competence needed to undertake tasks effectively, 2 = the ability to manage tasks, and 3 = the ability to use concepts for evaluating and reshaping tasks.
How can communication of ideas and information be applied?
· By communicating with colleagues, ideas and information relevant to sterilising mortuary items and equipment. (1)
How can information be collected, analysed and organised?
· By collecting information relevant to sterilising mortuary items and equipment and evaluating its usefulness. (1)
How are activities planned and organised?
· By organising the work requirements and planning the tasks associated with sterilising mortuary items and equipment, in conjunction with other assigned activities, such that the task is undertaken in a realistic time frame. (1)
How can team work be applied?
· By interacting with colleagues to assist with the process of sterilising mortuary items and equipment. (1)
How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques be applied?
· By calculating load factors. (1)
How can problem solving skills be applied?
· By identifying issues associated with sterilising mortuary items and equipment, resolving those that are routine and involving colleagues where they are not. (1)
How can the use of technology be applied?
· By using sterilisation machines and equipment. (1)
Context of Assessment
· For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, competency should be consistently demonstrated over a period of time and observed by the assessor and/or the technical expert working in partnership with the assessor. The technical expert may include an experienced person at the workplace.
· Competency should be demonstrated in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment through a range of situations which may include interruptions and involvement in other related activities normally expected in the work environment.
· Assessment should be undertaken in an environment that meets industry codes of practice and relevant industry regulations and legislation.
Interdependent Assessment of Unit
All units which relate to a job function can be considered as co-requisites to assist with an integrated approach to assessment. For this unit, the following co-requisite units particularly apply:
· WFSPCS201A - Carry out infection and contamination control practices
· WFSPCS203A - Carry out mortuary OHS procedures.
For advice on integrated assessment of units within and across qualifications, refer to the Assessment Guidelines.
Assessment Methods
· Observation of staff member performing a range of workplace tasks over sufficient time to demonstrate the handling of a range of contingencies. Tasks may include but are not limited to:
· identifying and applying procedures preparing and packaging items for sterilisation
· applying knowledge to operate sterilisation machine
· maintaining and monitoring sterilisation equipment
· recording and reporting damaged items, equipment or machinery
· storing sterile stock in designated areas.
· Written and/or oral questioning to assess knowledge and understanding of relevant procedures with regard to sterilising mortuary items and equipment. Questions will be asked in a manner appropriate to the language and literacy level of the staff member.
· Completing workplace documentation relevant to workplace requirements.
Assessment Resources
All resources must be provided for the assessment. If workplace based, the resources should relate specifically to policies, procedures and range of tools and equipment. If an off the job or simulated work environment is used then resources should be applicable to the work environment.
Resources may include:
· A real or simulated work environment.
· Relevant documentation such as:
· workplace policies and procedures
· documentation as identified in the Range of Variables.
· Industry codes of practice and relevant legislation and regulations.
· Access to a range of sterilisation machines and items and equipment requiring sterilisation.
· A qualified workplace assessor and/or a technical expert working in partnership with the assessor
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Morgue Interior Design

Morgue Interior Design is complete, I gave it some nice 70's wallpaper I found, a weird border and some tiles. Put it on a first person controller as that will be closer to objects so if they look okay in that, they should (hopefully) look good in 3rd person. Put in my lamp and attached a light from it, the animation swings slightly, and the light moves and aims with it so I have that all sorted. :) The gun doesn't fire, I just wanted to see what it looked like.
Normal Mapping on the walls adds a real nice effect I think :)
Thursday, 8 July 2010
A hospital type of door
Monday, 5 July 2010
Scripting Shaders and RayCasts
Been reading this :)