After A brain storming session, Steve and I came up with a few concept ideas for enemy characters. We have decided that we will be minimalistic on the enemy front, rather than making hords of enemies chasing you down or a hack and slash fest. The enemies will be far and few between. This will add more suspence and help add to the desolate feel of the building giving it a more abandoned, spooky feel and make you feel more lost and alone. We also decided to base the enemies on real life human fears and started naming some of the more obvious fears such as Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark), Trypanophobia (Fear of syringes) and Acrophobia (Fear of falling). With this in mind I started on the first of these Fear Characters "Fearacters" The Dark Man. We decided to make him have a smoke effect emitting from him, engulphing him in a black mist if you will. We will also look into animating a smoke texture over his entire body with areas of intence heat moving around (like embers).

After a shed load of problems He is almost complete. We managed to acheive the effect we where after but we I rigged and animated the model. The particles no longer worked.
Back to the drawing board. We managed to find out that graphics card are incapable of coping with a particle emitter on an animated mesh. So we eventually found that we could add the particles to the bones of the rig. But in doing this the effect we where after was lost. The particles where too clumped togeater so we changed from smoke to a sort of ash look.
We are happy with the result but need to work on the javascript for the animation of the textures a little more so that is appeares more randomly and has more of a rotation and life span.
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