Tuesday 2 November 2010

Lighting Problem

The lighting wasn't appearing realistically because of the way I designed the level. I designed it so that the planes where one sided, opposed to two sided, my method saves polys... but creates a couple of little problems.

The lighting was going through buildings and casting shadows in certain rooms, which while it is a nice little horror effect, it's far from realistic, and these effects could be caused easily anyways, it just made everything look wrong.
The way I tackled this was creating a huge box around the whole level where there would be walls and ceilings, this means that I can replicate all of the walls in the level with less than 50 polys, it would have taken about 4000 if I had done it all two sided.

The box around the level. (It is transparent to show where it covers, it is not transparent in the engine)

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