I picked Rachel as the little girls name as the etymology of the name is Innocent Lamb. Source [1]
The characters names MUST not be spoken throughout the scenes, this allows for the character to call her own name and allow the twist at the end to take effect.
The following Sequences are set in 1978
Scene 1: Dodgems
The night of the fair
Time: 8pm
The screen opens with a Ferris wheel with lights been shown and a lot of traffic from a distance. Credits are shown.
Rachel: Mummy don’t we live the other way?
Mother: Yes darling, I just need to find a phone box, your father will be worried about you.
The car stops at a red light as it nearly shunts another car from behind, this is because the brakes have been cut and the fluid is running low, this will not be made clear yet.
Mother: Sorry
The mother rubs her eyes as if she is upset or worried, because of her divorce.
Rachel: Mummy do you still love daddy?
There is no reply from the mother as the car starts up
Mother: So why didn’t you want to stay with your daddy? He was going to take you to the fair.
Rachel: I don’t like the fair… and I don’t like it when daddy shouts at me.
Mother: He doesn’t shout a lot… does he?
Rachel: Sometimes.
As Rachel says this, a middle passenger shot can be seen of the lights turn red, she screams as aerial shots of the car crashing into various vehicles can be seen.
The camera then looks up through a plastic oxygen mask, everything is blurred and the screen fades to black.
The character must stand up and move towards the door, she then has to open it.
She walks into a long dark corridor where a light switch can be seen, the character must then turn it on, this lights up the whole corridor.
She walks down the corridor and a doctor can be seen, as she approaches he turns round slowly and pulls a needle out of his arm which he chases the character slowly, the character must then run and find a place to hide, hints will show that it is in a room with the lights off.
The player is then free to move out of the room and explore a little bit until she reaches the stairs of the ward building in which she must chase a little girl (model of Rachel) up the stairs she leads her into a room when the lights turn on it reads on the walls, “This was all you, they’re coming for you”. At this point the little girl cannot be seen. There is then a scream as the character looks scared and it fades to black.
Source [1] "http://www.babynamebox.com/r/Rachael.html"
Monday, 31 May 2010
Gameplay + Potential Problems
A thought for the gameplay element would be a completely escape only game, you have to run and hide, however I have always found with games where you can't fight back there has to be something that keeps you playing as everyone enjoys unlocking new weapons, but because of the story it gives us the freedom to give it an unreal twist, where the character could have various abilities.
We have discussed an idea where the character has to turn on lightswitches in order to move on, with the start being where she turns on the generator. With the story being of the character in a coma this could be the metaphor for her being plugged into a life support machine. With the enemies the character faces being her guilt leading her to pass away. The character will have to go around the hospital turning on lights, revealing parts of the story of what really happened as she searches for her self.
I think the idea of the lights is quite useful as it also allows us to block out certain areas where the lighting does not work which may be a useful technique for time restraints.
One final problem we are going to encounter is that we had originally planned for the game to be in third person however there could be some problems with getting the camera stuck behind walls or even between walls. The player could also possibly see through walls if the angle is right. Hopefully after some tests in unity with blocked figures, we will be able to finally decide on what will be the best way as this could be a major factor in the way that the game is played.
We have discussed an idea where the character has to turn on lightswitches in order to move on, with the start being where she turns on the generator. With the story being of the character in a coma this could be the metaphor for her being plugged into a life support machine. With the enemies the character faces being her guilt leading her to pass away. The character will have to go around the hospital turning on lights, revealing parts of the story of what really happened as she searches for her self.
I think the idea of the lights is quite useful as it also allows us to block out certain areas where the lighting does not work which may be a useful technique for time restraints.
One final problem we are going to encounter is that we had originally planned for the game to be in third person however there could be some problems with getting the camera stuck behind walls or even between walls. The player could also possibly see through walls if the angle is right. Hopefully after some tests in unity with blocked figures, we will be able to finally decide on what will be the best way as this could be a major factor in the way that the game is played.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
My chosen hospital departments
Accident and emergency (A&E)
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Ambulance Services
Blood Bank
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Services
Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
CT Scanner
Critical care
Discharge lounge
General surgery
Genetic Testing
Histopathology Laboratory
Hospital Laboratory
In-House Pharmacy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Meals on Wheels
Nuclear Medicine Department
Oncology Services
Open Heart Surgery Services
Pain Management Services
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Ward
Primary Care Department
Psychiatric Care Unit
Psychiatric Geriatric Services
Radiation Therapy Department / Radiotherapy
Robotic Surgery
Sleep Lab Department
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Ultrasound Unit
Virtual Colonoscopy
Wound Care Unit
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Ambulance Services
Blood Bank
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Services
Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
CT Scanner
Critical care
Discharge lounge
General surgery
Genetic Testing
Histopathology Laboratory
Hospital Laboratory
In-House Pharmacy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Meals on Wheels
Nuclear Medicine Department
Oncology Services
Open Heart Surgery Services
Pain Management Services
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Ward
Primary Care Department
Psychiatric Care Unit
Psychiatric Geriatric Services
Radiation Therapy Department / Radiotherapy
Robotic Surgery
Sleep Lab Department
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Ultrasound Unit
Virtual Colonoscopy
Wound Care Unit
My Chosen Departments
Accident and Emergency
Acute Long Term Care - Assuming this is where people with comas and things are?
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Airborne Infection Isolation Room? Could there be some kind of leaked substance in the
Alzheimer Center
Birthing Room
Blood Bank
Breast Cancer / Mammograms
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Rehabilitation (ward?)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Critical Care
Dental Services - If we have a good design for a character with no teeth due to the crash -
Could want your teeth
Ear Nose and Throat - Throat part could be good for character vocals
Emergency Department
General Surgery
Maternity Departments
Nutrition and Dietetics
Open Heart Surgery Services
Pain Management Services
Physical Rehabilitation (Broken legs/disabled people?)
Psychiatric Care Unit / Psychiatric Emergency Services
Skilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
Sleep Lab Department
Speech Therapy Services
Support Groups
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Urgent Care Center
Womens Health Services
Wound Care Unit
Also there will need to be a couple of offices for various doctors
A staff room with all the common things you'd find.
Toilets, maybe the odd - en suite and private wards
A reception
A waiting area - would be joined to the reception
A play room for children
Also we might have to do some research into when certain things came into use, as the hospital will be set in mid-late 1970s so if some of these things were not in use then, we would have to leave them out, for example when did the first transplants take place, it could create some graphic scenes which could be good.
Acute Long Term Care - Assuming this is where people with comas and things are?
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Airborne Infection Isolation Room? Could there be some kind of leaked substance in the
Alzheimer Center
Birthing Room
Blood Bank
Breast Cancer / Mammograms
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Rehabilitation (ward?)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Critical Care
Dental Services - If we have a good design for a character with no teeth due to the crash -
Could want your teeth
Ear Nose and Throat - Throat part could be good for character vocals
Emergency Department
General Surgery
Maternity Departments
Nutrition and Dietetics
Open Heart Surgery Services
Pain Management Services
Physical Rehabilitation (Broken legs/disabled people?)
Psychiatric Care Unit / Psychiatric Emergency Services
Skilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
Sleep Lab Department
Speech Therapy Services
Support Groups
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Urgent Care Center
Womens Health Services
Wound Care Unit
Also there will need to be a couple of offices for various doctors
A staff room with all the common things you'd find.
Toilets, maybe the odd - en suite and private wards
A reception
A waiting area - would be joined to the reception
A play room for children
Also we might have to do some research into when certain things came into use, as the hospital will be set in mid-late 1970s so if some of these things were not in use then, we would have to leave them out, for example when did the first transplants take place, it could create some graphic scenes which could be good.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Almost finished, just need to add some handles to the back and a small dint to the front somewhere as well as some lights to the front and rear, after the car pile up it will fade out into a screen where an ambulance or two may be seen pulling up.

Edit: Also I have to sort out one or two more smoothing groups :P 1800 poly's but with Paul's Law of Subdivision for the render it's around 30,000 :) at least it will look crisp in the render.

Edit: Also I have to sort out one or two more smoothing groups :P 1800 poly's but with Paul's Law of Subdivision for the render it's around 30,000 :) at least it will look crisp in the render.
A to Z of hospital departments
Done some research into hospital department and here is the departments we are going to sift through and pick out some for the game.
Accident and emergency (A&E)
Acute Assessment Unit
Acute Long Term Care
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Adult Day Care Program
Adult Diagnostic/Invasive Catheterization
Adult Interventional Cardiac Catheterization
Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Alcohol & Chemical Dependency Unit
Alzheimer Center
Ambulance Services
Ambulatory Surgery Outpatient Service
Angioplasty Department
Arthritis Treatment Center
Assisted Living Department
Auxiliary Organization
Bariatric/Weight Control Services
Birthing Room/LDR Room/LDRP Room
Blood Bank
Breast Cancer Screening/Mammograms
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Case Management Department
Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Services
Children’s Wellness Program
Chiropractic Services
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Community Health Reporting Department
Community Health Status Assessment
Community Health Status Based Service Planning
Community Outreach Department
Complementary Medicine
Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
CT Scanner
Crisis Prevention
Critical care
Dental Services
Diagnostic imaging
Diagnostic Radioisotope Facility
Discharge lounge
Ear nose and throat (ENT)
Elderly services department
Electron Beam Computed Tomography
Emergency Department
Enabling Services
Enrollment Assistance Services
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter (ESWL)
Fertility Clinic
Fitness Center
Freestanding Ambulatory Care Center
Freestanding Satellite Emergency Department
Full Field Digital Mammography
General surgery
Genetic Testing
Geriatric Services
Health Facility Transportation
Health Fair Department
Health Information Center
Health Screening Department
Hemodialysis Department
Histopathology Laboratory
HIV/AIDS Services
Home Health Services
Hospital Based Out-patient Care Services
Hospital Laboratory
Hospital Library
Image Guided Radiation Therapy
In-House Pharmacy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Intermediate Nursing Care
Linguistic Translation Services
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Maternity departments
Meals on Wheels
Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Mobile Health Services .
Multislice Spiral Computed Tomography
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Neonatal Intermediate Care
Neonatal unit
Neurological Services
Nuclear Medicine Department
Nutrition and dietetics
Nutrition Program Department
Obstetrics Unit
Occupational Health Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Oncology Services
Open Heart Surgery Services
Other Special Care
Out-patient Care Center Services
Pain Management Services
Palliative Care Program
Patient-Controlled Analgesia
Patient Education Center
Patient Representative Services
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Diagnostic/Invasive Catheterization
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Pediatric Interventional Cardiac Catheterization
Pediatric Medical-Surgical Care
Pediatric Ward
Physical Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy Services
Positron Emission Tomography Scanner PET/CT
Positron Emission Tomography Scanner (PET)
Primary Care Department
Psychiatric Care Unit
Psychiatric Child Adolescent Services
Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Services
Psychiatric Education Services
Psychiatric Emergency Services
Psychiatric Geriatric Services
Psychiatric Out-patient Services
Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
Radiation Therapy Department / Radiotherapy
Renal unit
Reproductive Health Services
Respiratory Therapy Services
Retirement Housing
Robotic Surgery
Sexual health (genitourinary medicine)
Shaped Beam Radiation System
Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography Unit
Skilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
Sleep Lab Department
Social Services
Speech Therapy Services
Sports Medicine Department
Sterotactic Radiosurgery
Subacute Care
Support Groups
Swing Bed Services
Teen Outreach Services
Tobacco Treatment/Cessation Programs
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Ultrasound Unit
Urgent Care Center
Virtual Colonoscopy
Volunteer Services Department
Women’s Health Center/Services
Wound Care Unit
Accident and emergency (A&E)
Acute Assessment Unit
Acute Long Term Care
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Adult Day Care Program
Adult Diagnostic/Invasive Catheterization
Adult Interventional Cardiac Catheterization
Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Alcohol & Chemical Dependency Unit
Alzheimer Center
Ambulance Services
Ambulatory Surgery Outpatient Service
Angioplasty Department
Arthritis Treatment Center
Assisted Living Department
Auxiliary Organization
Bariatric/Weight Control Services
Birthing Room/LDR Room/LDRP Room
Blood Bank
Breast Cancer Screening/Mammograms
Burn Care Unit
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Case Management Department
Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Services
Children’s Wellness Program
Chiropractic Services
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Community Health Reporting Department
Community Health Status Assessment
Community Health Status Based Service Planning
Community Outreach Department
Complementary Medicine
Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
CT Scanner
Crisis Prevention
Critical care
Dental Services
Diagnostic imaging
Diagnostic Radioisotope Facility
Discharge lounge
Ear nose and throat (ENT)
Elderly services department
Electron Beam Computed Tomography
Emergency Department
Enabling Services
Enrollment Assistance Services
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter (ESWL)
Fertility Clinic
Fitness Center
Freestanding Ambulatory Care Center
Freestanding Satellite Emergency Department
Full Field Digital Mammography
General surgery
Genetic Testing
Geriatric Services
Health Facility Transportation
Health Fair Department
Health Information Center
Health Screening Department
Hemodialysis Department
Histopathology Laboratory
HIV/AIDS Services
Home Health Services
Hospital Based Out-patient Care Services
Hospital Laboratory
Hospital Library
Image Guided Radiation Therapy
In-House Pharmacy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Intermediate Nursing Care
Linguistic Translation Services
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Maternity departments
Meals on Wheels
Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Mobile Health Services .
Multislice Spiral Computed Tomography
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Neonatal Intermediate Care
Neonatal unit
Neurological Services
Nuclear Medicine Department
Nutrition and dietetics
Nutrition Program Department
Obstetrics Unit
Occupational Health Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Oncology Services
Open Heart Surgery Services
Other Special Care
Out-patient Care Center Services
Pain Management Services
Palliative Care Program
Patient-Controlled Analgesia
Patient Education Center
Patient Representative Services
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Diagnostic/Invasive Catheterization
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Pediatric Interventional Cardiac Catheterization
Pediatric Medical-Surgical Care
Pediatric Ward
Physical Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy Services
Positron Emission Tomography Scanner PET/CT
Positron Emission Tomography Scanner (PET)
Primary Care Department
Psychiatric Care Unit
Psychiatric Child Adolescent Services
Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Services
Psychiatric Education Services
Psychiatric Emergency Services
Psychiatric Geriatric Services
Psychiatric Out-patient Services
Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
Radiation Therapy Department / Radiotherapy
Renal unit
Reproductive Health Services
Respiratory Therapy Services
Retirement Housing
Robotic Surgery
Sexual health (genitourinary medicine)
Shaped Beam Radiation System
Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography Unit
Skilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
Sleep Lab Department
Social Services
Speech Therapy Services
Sports Medicine Department
Sterotactic Radiosurgery
Subacute Care
Support Groups
Swing Bed Services
Teen Outreach Services
Tobacco Treatment/Cessation Programs
Transplant Services
Trauma Centers
Ultrasound Unit
Urgent Care Center
Virtual Colonoscopy
Volunteer Services Department
Women’s Health Center/Services
Wound Care Unit
Friday, 28 May 2010
A render of the ambulance I have been modelling for the past 2 and a half hours, it's far from finished but thought I would post it as a WIP. There needs to be more details on the sides, front and bonnet and probably a little dint or scratch somewhere along the front where it has had a mild collision with another car due to it cutting between traffic.

Thursday, 27 May 2010
Right so after a little research I have found a nice little website with a collection of images of ambulances, we will decide which one(s) we want to model as they all look really interesting but due to the time they have a scary kind of feel to them.
Initial 2CV model render
This is the initial render of the Citroen 2CV car that will be used in the opening video. It just needs dirtying up a little along with a few bumps and scratches adding to it.
Citroen 2CV Reference
Unity Game Development Essentials
Just bought a book and e-book that will hopefully assist us majorly in our project, it teaches a load of things to do with Unity and whilst the tutorials out there are brilliant resources this will hopefully be one of the things we rely on for knowledge throughout this project.
Car Reference
Intro Video
We have started on creating the story line for the game and have come up with an idea for the opening sequence.
We are going to open the game with a car crash. I am in the process of modelling some high quality cars for this video sequence.
We are going to open the game with a car crash. I am in the process of modelling some high quality cars for this video sequence.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
1st Hospital Layout concept
Rough mock-up of the hospital
2 quick renders of how I thought the hospital should look. These are quick mock-ups and are just to set a layout so that we can decide on the best.

The entrance, this would be covered by a gate. This would prevent any escape.

This is how I imagine it to look from above, the back 2 walls would block any exit and there would be a huge fence underneath the elevated walkway, it would also lead into a circular road where ambulances would park. The back building of the photo would be the ward with 5 stories. The building on the left is the morgue and the building on the right would be the operating area and ward.
I also imagine the weeping willows to be there as they seem to set the mood as they look dead but it's the way they grow.

The entrance, this would be covered by a gate. This would prevent any escape.

This is how I imagine it to look from above, the back 2 walls would block any exit and there would be a huge fence underneath the elevated walkway, it would also lead into a circular road where ambulances would park. The back building of the photo would be the ward with 5 stories. The building on the left is the morgue and the building on the right would be the operating area and ward.
I also imagine the weeping willows to be there as they seem to set the mood as they look dead but it's the way they grow.
After deciding on creating a horror game using the Unity 3D game Development software, we then sat down ad started coming up with ideas for a story line.
The concept of the game is to "Find your inner self"
The idea is to navigate through an abandoned hospital full of strange going ons to find the truth about yourself and how you got there.
The concept of the game is to "Find your inner self"
The idea is to navigate through an abandoned hospital full of strange going ons to find the truth about yourself and how you got there.
We looked through a series of names to do with the game, and after searching through a tonne of words using a thesaurus, for now, we have settled with the name Chasten. It kind of sounds like "chase" which is a key element to all horror media and literally means "Rebuke for making a mistake/to purify/to correct by punishment" This we feel plays well into the story.
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