Monday 30 May 2011

Optimizing the full level

Because the game was still running a bit slow on some parts we decided to cut up the whole level. The game is now in 5 sections excluding the menus. This made the game run smoother, but loading times had increased a little bit as somethings had to be reloaded again such as when the player comes back outside after being in the basement.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Finally rendered out the video

It is now uploading to Youtube and I will say I am incredibly happy. The troubles it has caused me leading up to the deadline, I was getting quite worried, now just to finish all the documentation.

Video up of first playthrough

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Camera Controls

Got some user feedback today from two people. One of the things that both people said was that the games controls where a little bit awkward in that the sensitivity was too high. So I have lowered it's sensitivity and it now feels a lot easier to control.

I also made a silly mistake that I managed to solve where the player would tilt upwards, so she was walking at a 45 degree angle when the player looked up and moved. I sorted this by making the mouse look on the player only move horizontally and made the camera only move vertically.

Song choice?

Set the world on fire by The Ink Spots, having this playing in a room on a record player with a fire burning outside.

Monday 23 May 2011

Evil Stretcher

Scripted a stretcher to get flung against a wall when the player goes near it. This is actually a little bit jumpy. :)

Sound issue solved!

Had a problem with a sound where it was looping. However it wasn't looping it was because the player was on the point of the trigger, so I set a variable "playOnce = false" and set it to true when the player touched it, therefore the sound would only playOnce, a nice loud creak on a step to scare the player.