Morgue / Mortuary whatever we refer to it as first screenshot of the textured area, I tried to keep the lighting low and giving a glow around where the door frame and open door will be, I hope gives it a (not often visited feel). It is supposed to be a lonely area but I have designed it as a U shaped area.

The middle area is a wall which when you come down the slope (not stairs as they would have to wheel people down this area) will be where the little girl you follow runs into, you will then try to find a way in (unable to as it will be solid brick) and hear knocking in the middle area and maybe some screams which will keep the player wondering what is going on in there. A couple of sounds if used properly will create a full area which is as diverse as the players imagination.
During the next meet up me and Paul will discuss assets needed for these areas and share them out, hopefully in 2 weeks we will have two fully explorable rooms and I am working on texturing Pauls model of the main character, possibly looking at polygon reduction if possible, but due to there not being many characters on the screen we feel and hope that a 20,000 cap on the polygons is appropriate.
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